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How to Shift Into the State of the Wish Fulfilled and Stay There

How to get into the state of wish and stay there?

This is probably the question I've been asked the most. People don't seem to understand what it's like to be in a state, or how to maintain it for a long time. So if this is you, in this article, I will do my best to explain how you can switch to the state of wish fulfillment and how to maintain this state until your wish appears in the 3D world.

You don’t have to remain in a state if you have made a mistake. You can change state morning, noon, and night, but the state you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place. –

Neville Goddard

The first thing you need to realize and understand is that we are in many different states throughout the day, but as Neville Goddard said, the state you return to most often is your residence. But before discussing it in more detail, you need to remember that even a person is a state. As a person, you are God and you are experiencing the state of being a person.

The first thing you need to realize and understand is that we are in many different states throughout the day, but as Neville Goddard said, the state you return to most often is your residence. But before discussing it in more detail, you need to remember that even a person is a state. As a person, you are God and you are experiencing the state of being a person.

Having said that, you might think this is easier said than done. Well, let's break it down to make it clearer and easier to switch to your wish fulfillment state.

How to Shift Into the State of The Wish Fulfilled

Man is All Imagination. Therefore, a man must be where he is in imagination, for his Imagination is himself. Imagination is active at and through any state that it is aware of. If we take shifting of awareness seriously, there are possibilities beyond belief.

– Neville Goddard-

Although knowing that you will undoubtedly experience different states throughout the day, the state you return to most often is your hometown (your place of residence). This is the state you want to pay attention to the most, because your state of life determines your performance.

Many people are trying to show the main reason for their particular person, be it a layman or a newcomer, because they are in a victim state, and as long as their residence (the state that occupies the most) is one of the victims. , you can't get it The winner result of the person he or she wants.

I'm taking a specific person as an example here, but the same applies to money, occupation, health, or anything you want to reflect in your 3D world.

To display the result you want, you must match it with the equivalent state. In other words, no matter whether your wish has appeared in the shadow world, you are either in a state of wishing or in a state of no wish.

The best way to transition to a state of desire is to make a decision. It's that simple. Make the decision now to become the person you want to be and have what you want to have. If you are tired of getting the same results for several years or even decades, this should be a big enough motivation to take risks. I know this is for me and many others.

One day, I decided that I would not even be interested in this kind of life, unless it changed drastically. I am tired of myself and have to make huge changes otherwise. Interestingly, shortly after that, I discovered the teachings of Neville Goddard.

Finally, I realized that the experience I showed in my life was consistent with the state I was in. I can look back on my entire life and cannot deny that this is the result of my residency status. Your results in life will always be consistent with your living status. There is no way to solve this problem, because this is how it works.

The easiest and fastest way to change your life and realize your wishes is to switch to a state of communication. Change to the state of wish fulfillment.

The State of Having Vs Not Having Your Desire

We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. Imagination seizes upon the life of the state and gives itself to the expression of the life of that state.

– Neville Goddard – The Law and the Promise

At any time of the day, you are in a state. It is impossible not to be in one state. Now, when you read this article, you are in a state that either meets your wishes or does not meet your wishes. Either you are in a state where you have your desires, or you don't have your desires.

If your state does not match your desire, you cannot express that desire. If you are in a state of poverty or bankruptcy, you cannot prove wealth. Even if you manage to get a large amount of money for some reason, you will lose that money very quickly. This happens to some people who get some money in some way, but lose it very quickly, because even with this money, they cannot get rid of the state of scarcity that they are in. Their residence is money-free, so they can file for bankruptcy again.

If you want to get rich, you must enter the state of getting rich. Not only will money come, but you can keep it when it comes. If you want to build a loving relationship, you need to live in a loving relationship now before you can manifest this relationship. If you want to have a specific job or occupation, you must show an identity that implies that you are holding that position.

State is a feeling. Even if you haven't rendered things in 3D, you can express this feeling. You can do this by using your imagination and asking this question. How would I feel if...? You need to go from not having what you want to having what you want. Once you get it, you need to make it your place of residence.

How to Stay in Your Dwelling State

As I mentioned earlier, the best way to enter a wish-fulfilling state is to make the decision to do so. You must consciously decide to choose and reflect the state in which you want to live, the state of fulfillment of your wish. The best way to do this is the same method you need to use to stay in that state day after day.

The best way to get into the state of getting what you want and staying there is to affirm and reiterate as many days and nights as possible that you have your wishes, and if you wake up in the middle of the night, stay with your thoughts.

Your affirmation, whether you say it aloud or in your heart, constitutes your spiritual food. In turn, his mental diet is 3D performance. The more sure you are that you are the person you want to be or that you have what you want to have, the more you can convince your subconscious that this is true.

You may not realize this, but everything you believe today is incorporated into your subconscious in the same way, but most of it is not done by you, but by others.

If you don't believe your new claim at first, this is normal. When we begin to reprogram our subconscious mind with new beliefs and concepts, most of us don't believe in ourselves, but perseverance pays off. If you do not succumb to the illusion of the shadow world, but continue to affirm who you want to be and own, you will be able to embody that state and stay there until it manifests in the form of your desire.


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